Approved. Your gear looks amazing, you are up to par with Odium.
Next step is to set up what we call a "vent interview". We like to speak with the person we are planning to invite, for a couple of reasons:
1) To make sure you can get in vent with any problems. We have a no vent, no loot rule. If you do not have a mic, that is ok, it is not required, but it would be nice. We frown upon people from talking in vent during raid time on boss fights (and some trash).
2) To ask some additional random questions, just to see what your reaction is & what your answers are. Some questions will not have a right/wrong answer.
3) For us to answer any questions that you might have for us, before extended an invite to the guild.
Other than that, you are all set. You can find one of my characters (listed in my signature), for a guild invite. I will more than likely be on Ozztick, my shaman.