Name : Cory
Server (if not Garrosh US, do you plan to transfer?): Garrosh
Faction (if not Horde, do you plan to faction change?): Horde
Race : Undead
Class : Rogue
Main Spec: Mut
Off Spec: Mut-pvp, will change pvp spec depending on my mood.
Do you intend to remain with Odium for an extended period of time?: Yup Yup, as long as you guys keep me.
How old are you?: 18
What class are you?: Rogue?
What is your average dps? If you are a tank, provide us with your unbuffed HP. If you are a healer, provide us with your hps.: 7-8k heroics
How often are you available online each week?: 6-10 weekdays, free weekends
If something is limiting your gameplay, what is it?: School, Work
What is your raid experience?: 6/12 LK
How long have you been playing?: 2 years
How did you hear about Odium and what has driven you to fill out an application?: TRADE! Just to be in a guild that progresses through Cata.
Application Availability Info:
Sunday -> All day
Monday -> 6-10
Tuesday -> 6-10
Wednesday -> 6-10
Thursday -> 6-10
Friday -> 6- whenever
Saturday -> All day