Name : Ouija (Jeff)
Server (if not Garrosh US, do you plan to transfer?): Garrosh
Faction (if not Horde, do you plan to faction change?): Horde
Race : Goblin
Class : Warlock
Main Spec: Destruction
Off Spec: Demonology (I never use it)
Do you intend to remain with Odium for an extended period of time?: Yes.
How old are you?: 27
What class are you?: Warlock
What is your average dps? If you are a tank, provide us with your unbuffed HP. If you are a healer, provide us with your hps.: Last instance I ran I was around 6.5k I believe. (I didn't raid much with my lock, it was mostly for PvP so I'm still getting the rotation down.)
How often are you available online each week?: Quite a lot, several hours a day.
If something is limiting your gameplay, what is it?: Work.
What is your raid experience?: Did quite a bit of raiding in vanilla wow and Burning Crusade. In WOTLK I did a lot of Naxx - TOC but went mostly PvP when ICC came around, but the raiding I did do in ICC was up to 6th boss.
How long have you been playing?: I've played WoW on and off since beta.
How did you hear about Odium and what has driven you to fill out an application?: I remember seeing your guild around Org a lot in WOTLK and know you were a raiding guild which is what I want to focus on now. I'm looking for a stable guild that won't disband in a month.
Application Availability Info:
I work weekdays until 5pm ST, most time after that I am free. Weekends I'm usually on as well.
Sunday ->
Monday ->
Tuesday ->
Wednesday ->
Thursday ->
Friday ->
Saturday ->