Name : Aladron
Server (if not Garrosh US, do you plan to transfer?): Garrosh
Faction (if not Horde, do you plan to faction change?): Horde
Race : Blood Elf
Class : Paladin
Main Spec: Prot (Single Target)
Off Spec: Prot (AoE Tanking)
Do you intend to remain with Odium for an extended period of time?: Don't see any reason not to atm!
How old are you?: 17
What class are you?: Paladin
Unbuffed HP of 134k
How often are you available online each week?: Varies, weekends are primetime WoW for me.
If something is limiting your gameplay, what is it?: College Applications, Academics, Girls, Friends, Girls.
What is your raid experience?: Even though I've been playing since Vanilla, all I have is WotLK experience in Ulduar 10, 3Drake Sartharion, Naxx 10, and Trials of the Crusader.
How long have you been playing?: On and off since early days of Vanilla, when Zul'Gurub was first released.
How did you hear about Odium and what has driven you to fill out an application?:
Was poking around and somehow ran into Queque, finding a similar time slot to <Pagans Refuge>, and after a short talk, saw it was interesting.
Ran a few heroics with him and he was good, so it left a good impression on me.
Application Availability Info:
Sunday -> Large portion of the day
Monday ->Minimally
Tuesday ->Minimally
Wednesday -> Minimally
Thursday -> Minimally
Friday -> Night Time
Saturday -> Large portion of the day
A flexible schedule to work with divvying up WoW and responsibilities/real life.
A bit additional - I understand that my schedule may appear unassuming, but I know that you don't just show up to raids and get carried.
As a potential tank for (hopefully raid squad 3, I see that pretty time slot), I realize I have to gear and enchant my way to ease the burden on guildies.
Will run heroics and get those JP's when time permits so I can do my job well.
An example of this is me at my gear score, yet I hit 85 yesterday morning.