Name : Keloki
Server (if not Garrosh US, do you plan to transfer?): Garrosh
Faction (if not Horde, do you plan to faction change?): Horde
Race : Tauren
Class : Druid
Main Spec: Protection
Off Spec: Feral kitty (not currently geared)
Do you intend to remain with Odium for an extended period of time?:
I would like to.
How old are you?:
What class are you?:
What is your average dps? If you are a tank, provide us with your unbuffed HP. If you are a healer, provide us with your hps.:
HP 35,577.
w/ MOTW: 36, 127
in bear form: 46,057
in bear form w/ MOTW: 46,817
How often are you available online each week?:
I plan on being available specifically for the Sat/Mon 8-12 rain nights
If something is limiting your gameplay, what is it?:
This character is an Alt. My main is also in <Audacity>. I generally run tues/wed/thurs/fri/sun on my main.
What is your raid experience?:
I have tanked every boss at least once in ICC. Prior to that, i have limited tanking experience in Toc, Uld and Naxx. Although i have no direct extensive tanking knowledge of the raids, i have a vast amount of experience from my main as a dps, and are well aware of the basic mechanics of the encounters.
How long have you been playing?:
as a tank, only a few months.
How did you hear about Odium and what has driven you to fill out an application?:
The server forums. And honestly, what drove me to app was that i saw that you guys were looking for a tank. I don't care if i never raid with this toon. He just was created to make potions and flasks for my main. but he is geared enough for ICC10, and so if i can help people out get in and see content and get them gear, i'm cool with that. there's only a couple of upgrades i could use from ICC 10, so it's not gear that's driving me.
Application Availability Info:
Sunday -> not available
Monday -> 7:50 - 1am (server time)
Tuesday -> not available
Wednesday -> not available
Thursday -> not available
Friday -> not available
Saturday -> 7:50 - whenever (server time)
Other information:
Hi. I'm Tresser McKay. 34 years old and i work full time as an estimator in a family run HVAC oriented manufacture's rep office.
As mentioned in the application, Keloki is an alt. My main is a warlock. I've been playing as a warlock since TBC hit and have seen everything except Sunwell while at level. I grew up on Deathwing server, Ravenholdt server and Shadosong server ( always had the name Augos, so if you're doing a background check, you'll see i don't guild hop. I tend to find one place and stick with it.).
the same qualities of hard work and loyalty i use while on my Forsaken i plan to bring with my Tauren, which is also why my play time is limited on him. Because so much time is spent on my main, i have a limited play time for this druid in regards to raiding. It is because of this i must make clear that if the Sat/Mon raid times are going to be changed, i will not be a suitable candidate. I don't want to waste the guild's time by not being able to give you 100% on those days or weigh you down if there's more suitable applicants.
Though i have a feral dps spec, i have no gear. I have no gear really beyond my tank gear. I only started tanking to get my main more saronite, and i figured the queue time's were going to be easier if i was a tank. you'll see that my gear is basically all bought. if there was an upgrade that could be bought with badgers or gold, i've done so. or, at least tried to.
I dunno what else to say.
Edit 1: i just saw on WowProgress this line item
Our guild requirements are as follows:
-You apply with your main.
So sorry to have applied. If you want to, can add me to friends list and if you need a tank and i'm available, i'd be happy to oblige.
(also, might want to update the wowprogress site info since grim and kitten are gone)